Hi Everyone!

Welcome to a page where you can find links to some of the best free resources to learn coding.

(Of course this is just my opinion 😄)

PS: Everything is in order of how much I have used it while learning, top-left square = most used, bottom-right square = least used. I am most motivated to learn using interactive text-based resources that have coding challenges, so you won't find many video-based resources here. The main resource I use for each language will be emphasized and first on the list. Happy coding! 💜


This is the place that I started and fell in love with coding! Start here if you want to learn HTML and CSS. Make sure to put your own creative twist on the module projects, you will learn so much more!

Main resource - learn by doing - Challenges - Free certification


The courses are in a screen sharing format, and offer challenges that you can solve. There are many mini projects and is taught in bite-sized pieces. Go here if you are an auditory or visual learner. Love this.

Interactive - video content - Unique screen share interface


Coder Coder

Awesome YouTube channel with walkthrough projects. She explains every piece of code that is written, and breaks it down for beginners. She also has a great video explaining VS code, git and github.

Walkthrough videos - step-by-step instruction - github for beginners


Great for reference and refreshing knowledge. Mini quizzes and problems to solve and get points. Extensive information and short pieces of example code. Would use in addition to your main resource.

Structured learning path - Organized reference material


Great for practice on the go! Also has a leaderboard so it can be fun to compete. Can do a free trial and try to finish the HTML/CSS courses.


Similar to Mimo, review what you have learned so it sticks in your brain.

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Includes HTML, CSS and JavaScript in the curriculum. Can join a community or go through the videos on YouTube. For people who like video based learning. Have not used this much. Link: 100Devs site

Community - Reasoning behind the code

Hi there!

Do you have any favorite free resources that you think should be added? Let me know, and I will check it out.


While using a main resource to learn HTML & CSS together, using W3Schools to practice is a great choice. Everything is grouped by category. Make sure to do all the "try it yourself" and the exercises.

Structured learning path - Organized reference material


This is a great platform for challenging yourself and your CSS skills. It's particularly good if you want to practice TailwindCSS. The community is super supportive and ready to give you constructive feedback on your work.

CSS challenges - Mini projects - Supportive community

100 days css logo

100 Days CSS

This is a daily CSS challenge, great for learning new concepts that you can use later in your own projects. Put a creative twist on the project and you can learn a lot. Try to do it yourself before peeking.

Intermediate difficulty - Fun - Challenge yourself

FlexBox Froggy

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Honestly the funnest way to learn CSS Flexbox. There are 24 levels. You can write css to help your frog friend get to their lilypad. Highly recommend this resource if you are having trouble with Flexbox.

Game format - CSS Flexbox - Cute

FlexBox Adventure

Super fun game to learn Flexbox, King Arthur plans to seek revenge on the people who wronged him. You must use Flexbox to help him defeat his enemies! Similar to Flexbox Froggy.

Game format - CSS Flexbox - Fighting-style game

Grid Garden

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Use this if you want to practice using CSS grid and like farming games. Similar to the format of Flexbox Adventure and Flexbox Froggy, but instead it's about CSS grid. Although I use flexbox more then grid, its still useful to learn.

Game format - CSS Grid - Farming

Frontend Mentor

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Great websites if you want to gain experience creating duplicates of designs. There are some free challenges that you can do. Personally have not used much because I like to create my own designs.

Challenges - Similar to real work tasks - Design practice

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Similar to JS documentation, but easy to follow. Text-based content that is an excellent resource after you have already grasped the fundamentals of JS. Covers every relevant topic and includes practice exercises.

Main resource - Favorite JS resource - Structured learning


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The courses are in a screen sharing format, and offer challenges that you can solve. There are many mini projects and is taught in bite-sized pieces. Go here if you are an auditory or visual learner. Great as a starting resource.

Main resource - Interactive - Start here as a beginner


Codewars is a platform that helps you learn & practice by solving coding challenges of many difficulty levels. This is excellent to use after you have learned the basics of JS for practicing and also preparing for future interviews!

Solve challenges - Increase your rank - Learn from others code


Has a comprehensive path to learning JavaScript, make sure to do all of the "try it yourself" and exercises. This "How to" page is very useful for combining your HTML, CSS and learning more JavaScript.

Structured learning path - Organized reference material


I do think this is a good resource, but you should first learn from one of the other main resources first. It can be challenging for beginners, come here after you know the basics. Try it, and make your own projects at the end of the course!

Challenges - Free certification


You learn by completing "dares". These are short puzzles that you need to solve, in as few lines of code as possible. First levels are controlling a robots movements, really fun side resource!

Game format - Interactive - Fun - Challenging

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He breaks down the code and makes it understandable, also he is very motivational. Can learn through the videos on YouTube and track progress on this website: 100Devs site

Community - Reasoning behind the code

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Great resource for practicing SQL, remember to do all of the "try it yourself" and exercises. W3Schools also has tutorials for some other server side content like MySQL and PHP.

Main resource - Structured learning path - Organized reference material


You can practice SQL by doing challenges on HackerRank. You might want to learn some SQL using a main resource first, this is more of a test for what you already know. Gets progressively harder.

Challenges - Interactive - Win points to earn stars


Great for practicing SQL on your phone! Do a free trial and finish the entire SQL course. Get a free cert. if you finish before the trial ends.


Similar to Mimo, good SQL review on your phone.

Mobile App - Competitive


Very comprehensive resource for learning SQL and highly recommended by others. This will guide you through a lot of essential SQL knowledge. Interactive with challenges to solve.

Main resource - Structured learning path - Organized reference material

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FCC & Microsoft

Microsoft and freeCodeCamp collaborated to make a foundational course for learning C#. The course is comprehensive and has many challenge problems. It is great for people who love hands on learning and text-based resources.

Main resource - Structured learning path - Free certification

C# Player's Guide

A book that teaches you C# like you are in a video game! Collect XP points, battle enemies, and level up, all while learning C#. This is one of the best resouces I've ever used. Use as a main resources after completing the FCC course. Paid resource, but it's worth it!

Main resource - Challenges - Gamified learning


Build Web Apps with ASP.NET or their Learn C# course (free), I did this in addition to the main resources for review. Lots of great challenge problems and mini projects.

Great review - Mini projects


This website has a bunch of coding challenges starting from very easy (and I mean super easy not leetcode "easy") to expert. You can use this to practice any language that they offer.

Coding challenges - Repetition - Syntax recall

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